
Our Story


Let us continue to pray for those on the Prayer List

Pastor Mack and Family, Rev. Taylor and Family, The Deacons, The Church Boards and Committees  

Our Mothers: Mother Gartell Mother Russell

The Anderson family, Johnson family, Robinson Family. The Daugett family, Mother Doctor's family, the Burgess family, the Harper family, Sis Russell family, Deacon Hampton & family. Sis.. M.  Croker, Sis. J. Black & Family, Bro. Woodfork,Bro. Delee, Jammie Beckett, Shelia Thomas, Walinda Simon Bro. Henry Woodard, the Mills family, Sis Higgins, the Allen family, Bro. Tony Robinson, Sis Andrea, Sis Leona, Sis.Boykin & Family, Sis Nixon & Family, The Holmes family, Anthony & Carolyn Crudup and family, the Wong family, Akande London and family, Sis Margaret& family, Anna Covington, Jackie Burwell, Our Pastor's Aunt Mattie Wilson, The Starks/Mack family, Our Youth Teachers, Administrators, Soldiers at War, Our Government, the Gospel Mission Church family, and the violence in our streets and cities.

On the 1st Sunday of each month,we are asking that all members commit to their committee dues. 

Lamentations 3:22-23
22.It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed,because his compassioms fail not. 23.They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Happy Birthday to Everyone Born In June

Elizabeth Higgins 16th, London Akande 20th Amanda Dumas 22nd

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

The Pastor and Ministerial staff would like to thank everyone for your dedication and support of the church. Please continue. God has greater blessings for you and if anyone needs any assistance in prayer or guidance see your ministers or deacon. We would also like to thank all our visitors for worshipping with us today and we hope to see you again soon. God bless you always.

Rev. Peter Johnson/Founder


Our Pastors
